This is very helpful for me, specially when i need the separate templates for mobile and desktop.

Mobile Detect
Mobile Detect
This plugin is for the developers, you can use directives in your blade templates.
- Botble Core 7.0.0 or higher.
Install via Admin Panel
Go to the Admin Panel and click on the Plugins tab. Click on the "Add new" button, find the Mobile Detect plugin, and click on the "Install" button.
Install manually
- Download the plugin from the Botble Marketplace.
- Extract the downloaded file and upload the extracted folder to the
directory. - Go to Admin > Plugins and click on the Activate button.
Use the new Blade directives in your template files:
<section>this is for the desktop only</section>
<section>this is for the mobile only</section>
NOTE You might have to run
php artisan view:clear
to have the new Blade directives take effect!
Available directives
, @elsedesktop
, @enddesktop
- for desktop devices
, @elsehandheld
, @endhandheld
- for non-desktop (mobile and tablet) devices
, @elsetablet
, @endtablet
- for tablet devices
, @elsenottablet
, @endnottablet
- for non-tablet (desktop or mobile) devices
, @elsemobile
, @endmobile
- for mobile devices
, @elsenotmobile
, @endnotmobile
- for non-mobile (desktop or tablet) devices
, @elseios
, @endios
- for iOS platforms
, @elseandroid
, @endandroid
- for Android platforms
The usage of @else...
directives are optional.
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