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Botble Version

>= 5.30.0






This is a plugin for Botble CMS so you have to purchase Botble CMS first to use this plugin. This is an SSO Client plugin, It needs SSO Server to work. (SSO Server plugin will be released as soon as possible)


  • Bottble CMS 5.4 or higher
  • SSO Server

Install manually

Download the plugin from the Botble Marketplace. Extract the downloaded file and upload the extracted folder to the platform/plugins directory. Go to Admin > Plugins and click on the Activate button.

Knowledge about SSO

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication and authorization method that allows users to access multiple applications or services with just a single login. Instead of having to log in every time they access individual applications, users only need to log in once at a central point, and then they can access all other supported applications without having to re-enter their login information.

The typical working of SSO is as follows:

Initial Authentication: Users log in to the system using their username and password.

Token or Session: After successful initial authentication, the system generates a session or token, representing the successful authentication. This session or token will be used to verify the user when accessing other applications.

Accessing Other Applications: When users access another application that also supports SSO, the application will request the user to provide the session or token. The system checks this session or token to verify that the user is logged in and has access rights.

SSO provides several significant benefits:

Convenience: Users do not need to remember multiple login credentials for each application, saving time and reducing the chance of forgetting passwords.

Security: SSO helps manage access rights effectively, ensuring that users can only access the applications they are authorized for.

Centralized Account Management: Administrators can easily monitor and manage user accounts from a centralized location.

However, SSO also needs to be implemented and managed carefully to ensure the security of information and user privacy.

Kindly log in to share your feedback on this plugin.
Patrick Schade

Patrick Schade

Diese Plugin selbst macht erstmal keine Probleme, jedoch sehr Umständlich, da man einen extra SSO Server benötigt, kann ich nicht Empfehlen und weise euch stattdessen auf die Interne Sozial Login Funktion hin.